
Matthews Links Palin&Bachmann to Giffords Shooting, Portrays U.S. as Gun Crazed Nation

Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, used the attempt on Gabrielle Giffords' life, to not only portray America as some sort of gun crazed country, but also to blame the likes of Sarah Palin and ...

NBC's Lee Cowan Highlights Palin Map As Possible Rationale for Attack on Gabrielle Giffords

On Monday's Today show, NBC's Lee Cowan, inspired by Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik's blaming political rhetoric for the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, highlighted Sarah Palin's Web site map ...

CBS's Cordes: 'Increasingly Angry Tone in Politics' May Have Led to 'Culture of Violence'

Reporting on the political fallout of the Tucson shooting on Monday's CBS Early Show, congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes declared: "Now some are questioning whether the increasingly angry ...

NYT Blames 'Vitriol in Politics,' Palin's Campaign Map for Schizophrenic's Rampage

The Times plays up comments by the local sheriff in Tucson blaming conservative political rhetoric for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, and Sarah Palin's 2010 campaign map shares blame: "Ms. ...

Today Show Links Sarah Palin to Giffords Shooting

NBC's Matt Lauer, at the top of Monday's Today show, alerted viewers that Sarah Palin was being drawn into the Gabrielle Giffords shooting as he teased an upcoming Andrea Mitchell story this way: ...

Network Journalists Advance Leftist Wish to Blame Palin (and Tea Party) for Shooting

"The shooter's motivation is still unknown," Katie Couric announced as she anchored Saturday's CBS Evening News, but that didn't deter CBS, nor CNN, NBC and ABC on Saturday night and into Sunday ...

Olbermann Suggests Palin & Other Conservatives 'Slightly Less Madmen' Than Gunman, Apologizes for Past Violent Suggestions

On a special Saturday edition of Countdown, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann delivered a "Special Comment" in which he called for an end to the use of violent imagery by political figures of all ...

CBS, NBC Highlight List That Advocates Ban of Two Terms Coined by Sarah Palin

The Early Show on CBS and NBC's Today show on Friday both gave attention to Lake Superior State University's "list of words that should be banned in 2011 because of overuse or general ...

Aaron Sorkin: Palin is 'Idiot' and 'Mean Woman,' Republicans 'Have Moved into a Mental Institution'

Appearing as a guest in a pre-recorded interview on Wednesday's Parker-Spitzer on CNN to promote his film The Social Network, television and film producer Aaron Sorkin trashed Sarah Palin as an ...

On Fox, Juan Williams Calls GOP Presidential Field 'Weak' and Insists Palin 'Can't Stand on the Intellectual Stage with Obama'

"This is such a weak field," Fox News analyst Juan Williams declared during a Fox News Sunday look at potential 2012 GOP presidential candidates, prompting an appalled Bill Kristol to mock: "Yeah, ...
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