
Notable Quotables - 09/13/1993

MediaWatch: September 1993

Networks Promote Government-Directed Systems, Obscure Cost, Quality; NewsBites: Execution Exaggerations; Revolving Door: Democrat to Democrat to...; Newsweek Says Black Families Have Only One ...

Notable Quotables - 09/28/1992

Notable Quotables - 09/14/1992

Media Research Center

MediaWatch: September 1992

Network TV Convention Disparities; NewsBites: Rather Reveals All?; Revolving Door: Clinton's NPR Connection; Media Accuracy Patrol Only Shoots At GOP; Praised Cuomo, Attacked Conservatives and ...

Notable Quotables - 09/30/1991

Notable Quotables - 09/16/1991

Media Research Center

MediaWatch: September 1991

Labeling Left and Right; NewsBites: Clubbing Clearance; Revolving Door: Free-Market Teaching from Dukakis?; Reporters Undergo A "Liberation Conversion"; More Attacks on Reagan, Bush, ...

Notable Quotables - 10/01/1990

Notable Quotables - 09/17/1990

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