
Media Research Center

MSNBC's O'Donnell Blames Shooting Deaths on 'Cowardly Lawmakers' Opposing Gun Control

On Thursday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, host O'Donnell ranted against Republicans who have argued that the proposed new gun laws would not have prevented recent high-profile ...
Media Research Center

Schultz Tries to Make Sikh Temple Shootings an Embarrassment for Malkin

On Monday's The Ed Show, host Ed Schultz suggested that the weekend attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin proves conservative commentator Michelle Malkin was wrong in 2009 when she criticized a ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Alter Complains About NRA 'Gag Order' That is 'Imposed on Our National Conversation'

Appearing as a panel member on the Sunday, July 22, Melissa Harris-Perry show, MSNBC political analyst Jonathan Alter - formerly of Newsweek - charged that the NRA has "imposed" a "gag order" that ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Cowan Forwards Bloomberg Attacking Gun Rights Advocates

On the July 22 CBS Sunday Morning show, correspondent Lee Cowan highlighted criticism of gun rights by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, using a soundbite of the liberal mayor scurrilously ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Isikoff Suggests 'Powerful NRA' Makes It Harder to Protect Theaters

On Saturday's Today show, as NBC corresponent Michael Isikoff - formerly of Newsweek - filed a report on the drive to make people safer at movie theaters after the Aurora massacre, he concluded ...
Media Research Center

Another NYTimes Hit Piece on Sarkozy, Suggesting Appeals to 'Far Right' Set Mood for School Murders

Reporter Steven Erlanger claims "No one is suggesting that the French presidential campaign inspired a serial killer..." but then goes on do just that: "But in a period of economic anxiety, ...

MSNBC's O'Donnell Slams 'Merchants of Death' Who 'Buy Their Political Protection from the NRA'

On Monday's the Last Word show, in its new 8:00 p.m. EST time slot, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell referred to the manufacturers of high-capacity magazines as "merchants of death" who purchase ...

A Week After Tucson, NY Times Still Sees 'Right Wing' Ideas From Loughner

The New York Times twice attributed Tucson shooter Jared Loughner's nutty views to "right-wing extremist groups" - yet failed to call his 9-11 Truth beliefs or loathing of President Bush leftist ...

Reporters Defend Paper's Coverage of Tucson Shootings, Denies NYT Blamed the Right Wing

Who blamed conservatives? Not us: "Commentators on the right were quick to condemn their perennial adversaries, including The New York Times, for drawing a cause-and-effect relationship between ...

A Week After Tucson, Times Still Sees 'Right Wing' Ideas From Loughner

The Times twice attributed Loughner's nutty views to "right-wing extremist groups" - yet failed to call his 9-11 Truth beliefs or loathing of President Bush leftist or liberal.
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