
Media Research Center

At Davos, Soros-funded Group’s President Says Look to Bretton Woods for Economic Advice

New America Foundation foundation promotes initiative with same name as earlier Soros conference
Media Research Center

New York Times pro-Islamic Complaint Relies on Group That Got $7 Million from Soros

All the news that's fit to print doesnt include any funding questions for pro-Muslim organization.

George Soros: Godfather of the Left Gives $550 Million to Liberal Causes

Billionaire's brave new world part of every major left-wing initiative from abortion to drug legalization.

$3.6 Million from Soros Aids Groups That Support, Promote Occupy Wall Street

Liberal billionaire behind left-wing organizations and media celebrating anti-capitalist protests.

Soros-Funded Group Behind Course for Journalists That Downplays 'Jihad'

Program launched to teach press about Muslim sensitivities blames 'right-wing activists.'

George Soros: Media Mogul

Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism

Glass Houses: Soros-Funded Alternet Accuses GOP of 'Treason'

But website's benefactor actively undermines U.S. position in world.

The 'Innocence Snuff Film'

Schwimming upstream - 'Friends' actor bemoans sexualized culture

Media Ignore Labor Attacks on Catholic Colleges

National Labor Relations Board Declare Manhattan and Xavier Colleges 'Lack Substantial Religious Character,' to Force Unionization

Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy

Left-wing billionaire's own experts dominate quiet push for 'a grand bargain that rearranges the entire financial order.'
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