
On Easter Sunday, Celebrating Obama's Speech from the Pulpit - and the NYT

"Television programs showed recorded parts of sermons by Mr. Wright, who is nationally known for his work in creating economic development programs in the inner city, inspiring many other black ...

Obama's "Nuanced" Race Speech Marks Return of Lincoln, JFK

The Times glorifies Obama and skips his apparent contradiction - he'd previously denied hearing controversial statements by Rev. Wright.

Obama Can Run, but He Can't Hide Without Media Help – and They're Helping

The networks gloss over the candidate's failure, in a crucial speech, to explain why he remained in a church that preaches hatred of America.

Editor Bill Keller, Unleashed in London: "A War Going Very Badly in Iraq"

Times Executive Editor Bill Keller proudly states of his paper: "We do not work in the service of a party, or an industry, or even a country" and went after "hate-mongering radio broadcasts."

Audience Likes Bush, Times Amazed - Part XI

"The friendly audience in northwest Arkansas - not a single questioner criticized Mr. Bush - is typical of such let-Bush-be-Bush events...."

Bush's "Bizarre" Decision to Talk About the Vietnam War

The Times can't understand how Bush can cite the Vietnam War in defense of the Iraq War - even though the Times has been critically comparing Iraq to Vietnam for years.

Support the Iraq War with Higher Taxes and a Draft?

Pentagon reporter Thom Shanker again pushes higher taxes as a "national sacrifice" for the war in Iraq.

Networks Ignore President's Defense of Tax Cuts as Key to Economic Growth

ABC's Betsy Stark highlighted applause lines in Bush speech on income gap, CEO pay.
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