
Times Touts Record U.S. Emissions, Ignores Failure of Other Nations

Canada, a Kyoto Treaty country, did worse than the America. in cutting greenhouse gases.

Times Ignores Cost of Union Strike for Commuters, City

Focusing on workers dignity, reporters ignore cost of strike, generous pay for workers.

Hit by a Clue-by-Four

Dobbs pleads ignorance on free trade and economic growth.

U.S. Economy Again Defies Media Pessimism

December CPI numbers counter dire inflation predictions from the media.

CBSs Axelrod Heats Up Energy Price By One-Third

Reporter hypes cost increase but doesnt mention industry is recovering faster than expected.

Harvard Professor Deflates In the Money

Clinton-era Treasury official dismisses housing bubble talk, notes home values have not declined since the Great Depression.

Papers Spin Scuffle over Study Data into Knockout for Merck Opponents

USA Today, NY Times portray a five-year-old glitch as new evidence against company.

Syriana: Realism or a Left-Wing Assault on Oil?

Media go to the well to promote anti-American movie and warn against perils of capitalism.

Coverage of Wal-Mart Movies Lopsided

Media focus on criticism of retailer, picking up themes of anti-store documentary instead of pro-market film.
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