Media Research Center

The New York Times and National Security Secrets: Obama vs. Bush

News that the New York Times and Washington Post kept secret until recently the secret U.S. drone base in Saudi Arabia is once again raising questions on the paper's politicized double ...
Media Research Center

The New York Times and National Security Secrets: Obama vs. Bush

News that the New York Times and Washington Post kept secret until recently the secret U.S. drone base in Saudi Arabia is once again raising questions on the paper's politicized double ...

Producers Pick Lesbian Kiss, R-Rated Movies as Teen Choice Award Nominees

A secretive panel of adults has, once again, picked raunchy material for teens award show

Executive Editor Keller Contemplates Being 'Frog-Marched' in Shackles Over Publishing State Secrets

Secret-publishing editor Bill Keller and conservative critic Gabriel Schoenfeld have a surprisingly amicable discussion on where to draw the line on publishing state secrets in the Internet age.

The Times Actually Kept a Secret. Who Knew?

Secrecy was rightly considered vital when it came to the security of Times journalist David Rohde - yet on two occasions the Times turned a deaf ear to pleas from the Bush White House that ...

Times Watch in NY Post, Tackling "Bush's Law" by Reporter Eric Lichtblau

From Clay Waters' review of "Bush's Law": "Lichtblau is preoccupied with getting scooped. Check his response when it looked as if the Times wouldn't run the NSA story: 'Each tidbit that came ...

Reporter Lichtblau Accuses Bush Administration of Lying in New Book

From Justice Department correspondent Eric Lichtblau's new book: "The administration, it seemed clear to me, had lied to us" about an anti-terrorist surveillance program.

Reporter Claims Terror Surveillance Program Unaffected by his Scoop - But His Newspaper Says Different

Eric Lichtblau: "...both of these operations are still in existence without any impact on their ability to function. In both cases, we were warned that the plug would be pulled on these programs ...

Public Editor Recants: Times Was Wrong to Expose Terrorist Surveillance Program

But some Times critics find Barney Calame's mea culpa lame: "While it's a close call now, as it was then, I don't think the article should have been published."

Bill Keller "Pissed Off" by "Disgraceful" White House

The Times' executive editor accuses the Bush White House of stirring up a "partisan hatefest" against the paper over its revelation of an anti-terrorist program that monitored international ...
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