
John McCain, Tax-Slashing Cynic

Michael Cooper paints an unflattering picture of both McCain and Bush's "deficit-swelling tax cuts."

ElectionWatch: NBC on McCain's Proposed Tax Cuts: It 'Doesn't Add Up'

'Nightly News' finds everything wrong with the presumptive GOP nominee's economic plan and nothing right.

Uchitelle's Snide Criticism of Supply-Side Tax Cuts

"When Ronald Reagan ran for president in 1980, he promised to cut taxes in what seemed, at the time, a magical way."

Talking Around Rangel's Big Tax Hike

The Times manages not to spell out precisely where Rangel's tax-hike proposal would begin to bite on "the wealthy."

"To Dismay of Some [Democrats]," Florida Cutting Taxes

A Times story buries the liberal groups that are truly dismayed by proposed property tax cuts: "...counties, cities, teachers unions and Democrats..."

Post Forgets Democrats Supported Alternative Minimum Tax

AMT story cites nine sources about 'new rules,' but only two Republicans

Public Radio: Low Taxes = Sick Children

'Marketplace' segment furthers idea that higher taxes are needed.

Bush's Tax Cuts to Blame for U.S. Economic Problems

If the Times really believe in "saving more" at the federal level, why does it flinch at the very idea of spending cuts?

When Bigger Isn't Better

ABC, CBS, and NBC's Coverage of the GOP Tax-Cut Debate
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