CNN's Jack Cafferty hinted Monday that despite Republican opposition to tax hikes, the extra revenue could help the country. Then on Tuesday morning, anchor Carol Costello framed Republicans as ...
In an interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner on Tuesday's Today on NBC, co-host Matt Lauer fretted over the upcoming debate on raising the nation's debt limit: "...after the news ...
"This week - budget blowback," Christiane Amanpour trumpeted in framing her Sunday look, at reaction to Republican Congressman Paul Ryan's proposed budget plan, through those hostile to it, ...
Picking up from flustered colleague Bob Schieffer, who on the April 17 Face the Nation demanded of Congressman Paul Ryan, "Why do these rich people need another tax cut? I mean, they're already ...
Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times economics writer David Leonhardt's "graceful penetration" of American wallets: He has called on Obama to break his promise not to raise taxes on those making ...
A day after a CBS News Sunday Morning story fretted that the wealthy aren't paying a high-enough income tax rate without bothering to note how a significant portion of the population avoids paying ...
CBS's Jan Crawford spotlighted the Tea Party movement on Monday's Early Show, but also played up how it might present a "challenge" for potential Republican presidential candidates due its ...
CBS News on Sunday morning managed to examine incongruities in the U.S. tax system, highlighting those ' including a former New York Times reporter ' who think the wealthy aren't paying enough, ...
"Why do these rich people need another tax cut?" Bob Schieffer demanded of his guest on Sunday morning's Face the Nation, Republican Congressman Paul Ryan. Conveying his no-so-profound economic ...