MSNBC's Martin Bashir has only been on the job for a few days, but the newly-minted anchor is already letting his liberal flag fly. On his eponymous program on Thursday, Bashir was dumbfounded as ...
Catching up with a Thursday night appearance by Senator Rand Paul, Paul's segment on the Late Show exposed David Letterman as an arrogantly ill-informed ally of Wisconsin's public employee unions: ...
CBS's Bob Schieffer hit Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie from the left on Sunday's Face the Nation, claiming he has "demonized" teachers and urging him to give some "straight talk" ...
On Friday's World News, and on Saturday morning's GMA, ABC ran reports highlighting hedge fund manager John Paulson's "jaw-dropping" 2010 income from capital gains, fretting that he will not pay ...
Tuesday's Morning Joe panel on MSNBC played the class warfare card, highlighting tension between the American middle class and the richest Americans who profit from the global economy. Impassioned ...
Catching up with a distorted news report from Christmas Day, the AP decided to distribute a particularly tendentious piece of "reporting" by the news service's Washington, DC-based Alan Fram and ...
"There weren't a lot of hard questions in this news conference," FNC's Bret Baier observed in an understatement. Indeed, Caren Bohan of Reuters reflected the collective glow of the White House ...
On Saturday's Early Show fill-in co-host Russ Mitchell saw passage of the tax deal as a possible "turning point for Mr. Obama's presidency" and speculated that it was "perhaps setting the stage ...
Nearly 80 percent of the $858 billion "cost" of the tax bill signed by President Obama is from the $675 billion over the next ten years the government would have received if income tax rates were ...
On Friday's CBS Early Show, congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes reported on the passage of legislation to extend current tax rates and described it as: "an early holiday gift for every ...