In a report on the Republican senate primary in Delaware on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes portrayed tea party favorite Christine O'Donnell's conservative social views as ...
Jackie Calmes on the demise of mainstream Republicans: "I don't think there are many of those left, Sam, and there's gonna be fewer of them once this election is held. Some of them have already ...
More Democratic wishful thinking on the front page. Reporter Kate Zernike helpfully points out several apparent vulnerable Republican candidates backed by the Tea Party: "The battle in Delaware is ...
Plus Sheryl Gay Stolberg explains the Ground Zero mosque to the rubes outside Manhattan, and Matt Bai questions the "nativist impulse" behind the mosque's opponents.
Plus: Matt Bai blames nativist impulse against Ground Zero mosque opponents, and Obama critics long for return to a white and largely Christian nation.
Reporter Kate Zernike can't quit her obsession over the race (and racism) of the Tea Party, as shown by her descritption of Beck rally attendees: "The overwhelmingly white and largely middle-aged ...
In Kate Zernike's world you might be a racist oppose minimum wage laws and other "safety net" programs. "Even if Tea Party members are right that any racist signs are those of ...
CNN anchor Rick Sanchez revisited his vendetta against Fox News, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh on Thursday's Rick's List. Sanchez brought on outgoing Representative Bob Inglis, who lost a primary ...