But Blow wasn't so sanguine about tiny white supremacist groups recruiting veterans in a column from March 2009: "If they only recruit a few, that is still too many. Terrorists have shown the ...
But Blow wasn't so sanguine about tiny white supremacist groups in a column from March 2009: "If they only recruit a few, that is still too many. Terrorists have shown the world time and again ...
Matt Bai passes along a discredited liberal myth from March: "The question of racism in the amorphous Tea Party movement is, of course, a serious one, since so much of the Republican Party seems ...
On Friday's Dylan Ratigan show on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan reported on Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann attempting to form a congressional tea party caucus and proceeded to rant: "...the ...
On Thursday's Newsroom, CNN's Don Lemon conducted a confrontational interview of a black tea party member and disputed his assertion that the U.S. is "more divided now, racially, than any other ...
CNN's Rick Sanchez returned to attacking conservative talk radio on Wednesday's Rick's List program, lamenting that "a lot of people in this country...think that Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are ...
Frank Rich discusses the Republican Party's "extremism" and "race problem" with sympathetic MSNBC host Rachel Maddow: "...they have this sort of reversion to this extreme fiscal conservatism of ...
While MSNBC host Chris Matthews has routinely cited the American Revolution-era Gadsden flag as evidence of the extremism of the tea party movement, at the end of Monday's Harball, he expressed ...
Frank Rich exposes the Tea Party as corporate shills: "The spill's sole positive benefit has been to unambiguously expose the hard right, for all its populist pandering to the Tea Partiers, as a ...