
CBS Spins Civilian Court Debacle of Detainee as a Setback for the 'Government,' No Mention of Obama

Of the three morning shows on Thursday, only CBS left out any mention of Barack Obama or Attorney General Eric Holder while reporting on the nearly complete acquittal of a former Guantanamo Bay ...

Networks Allow a Scant Four Minutes on Rangel Conviction; Devote 120 Minutes to Royal Wedding

Tuesday's evening news broadcasts and Wednesday's morning shows allowed a scant four and a half minutes of coverage to the conviction of powerful Democrat Charlie Rangel over ethics charges. In ...

Uncritical Condition

Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care

Tom Brokaw: GOP, Tea Party Won't Be Effective in Upcoming Congress

On Wednesday's Today show, NBC special correspondent Tom Brokaw predicted that the incoming Republican majority in Congress, especially the Tea Party-backed winners, would ultimately fail at ...

Matt Lauer: Senator-Elect Rand Paul Bringing Anger to Washington

NBC's Matt Lauer characterized Kentucky Senator-Elect Rand Paul's victory as a "wave of anger and energy" on Wednesday's Today show. Lauer asked the Tea Party candidate, "We know you can win an ...

'Early Show' Ignores Reporters at CBS Alaska Affiliate Smearing Miller Campaign

On Monday, while both ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today covered the scandal involving reporters at CBS Anchorage affiliate KTVA caught on tape discussing ways to attack Republican Joe ...

Only ABC Stresses that Jon Stewart Is Part of Barack Obama's Unhappy Liberal Base

All three morning shows on Thursday covered Barack Obama's appearance on The Daily Show Wednesday night, but only Good Morning America's Jake Tapper stressed that comedian Jon Stewart's complaints ...

CBS Relays Dem Claims of 'Dangerous' & 'Extreme' GOP, NBC Sees Tea Party Hurting Other Republicans

On Friday morning, after airing a full report on the Democratic strategy of painting Republican candidates as "dangerous" and "extreme," CBS's The Early Show co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez seemed ...

Sappy Ann Curry: I Wish All Weapons Were Inflatable Toys

The frequently-maudlin Ann Curry outdid herself on Wednesday's Today show. Narrating a short video item about Russia unveiling a new set of inflatable weapons designed to fool spy satellites, ...

Today Show Asks – Is Monogamy Realistic?

Shrink defends monogamy in surprisingly good segment.
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