
Double Standard: Networks Hyped GOP E-mailer Mark Foley, Minimized Democratic Groper Eric Massa

With a disparity of five-to-one, the same network morning and evening news programs that displayed an eager interest in Mark Foley's E-mail scandal minimized the groping and tickling of Democrat ...

'Today' Praises Bank of America's New Overdraft Policy, Fails to Explore Negative Side of Coming Regulation

NBC reports BofA's changes to 'repair' image ahead of federal Credit CARD Act.

NBC's Guthrie on Deficits: $100 Billion Spending Plan No Big Deal, Blame Bush Instead?

Reporting on Obama's push for another $100 billion in "jobs" spending, NBC's Savannah Guthrie chose not to amplify critics who argue we can't afford more massive spending, and instead saluted the ...

Morning Shows Tout Risk to Republicans for 'Continuing to Say No,' Vieira Corrects Biden Gaffe

The three morning shows on Thursday reacted to Barack Obama's State of the Union address by highlighting the risk Republicans run in continuing to oppose the President's agenda. On NBC's Today, ...

Networks Pounce on 'Louisiana Watergate' Story After Only 17 Hours, Buried ACORN Scandal

All three morning shows on Wednesday highlighted the revelation that a conservative activist had been arrested in connection to an attempt to tamper with the phones of Democratic Senator Mary ...

Media In Mourning: Teddy's Liberal Dream "Derailed"

Vol. 23, No. 2

NBC Trumpeted the Launch of Liberal 'Counterweight' Air America, Skips Demise of Radio Network

When the liberal radio network Air America debuted on March 31, 2004, NBC trumpeted it as the "counterweight" to the "right-wing bent" of talk radio. Katie Couric enthused that Al Franken and his ...

NBC: 'Historic Upset' in MA 'Political Crisis' for Obama

On Saturday's Today, co-anchor Amy Robach referred to a potential Republican victory in the Massachusetts Senate race as "a crisis potentially looming here at home" for President Obama. Guest Joe ...

NBC Highlights (But ABC Skips) Obama Aide's Love Child Scandal

Nine days after ABC announced on Good Morning America that financial correspondent Bianna Golodryga would be marrying top Obama official Peter Orszag, NBC's Today made sure to highlight the ...

Tina Brown: Limbaugh 'Like the Bad Fairy at Sleeping Beauty's Christening'

The Daily Beast's Tina Brown targeted Rush Limbaugh for ruining 2009, particularly after Obama's inauguration, on Thursday's Today show on NBC, blaming him for the "big discord and toxic ...
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