
Media Research Center

NBC Cheers Gay 'Vindication': 'Day San Francisco's Castro District Has Been Waiting For'

Celebrating Wednesday's Supreme Court rulings in favor of gay marriage, on Thursday's NBC Today, correspondent Gabe Gutierrez reported live from San Francisco city hall and announced: "In one of ...
Media Research Center

Big Three Acclaim 'Passionate' Pro-Abortion Texas Legislator's Filibuster; All But Ignore Pro-Life Voices

ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning newscasts on Wednesday spotlighted Texas State Senator Wendy Davis's filibuster against pro-life legislation, hyping how she stood for hours in "comfortable pink ...
Media Research Center

CBS, NBC Ballyhoo 'Military-Style Surge' Proposal in Immigration Bill

Thursday's CBS Evening News all but hinted that the border security measures included in a new compromise attached to the immigration reform bill in Congress was overkill. Scott Pelley emphasized, ...
Media Research Center

NBC Hype: 'Bitter Fight' Over Immigration 'Pitting Republican Versus Republican'

Introducing a report on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer announced "a significant breakthrough in a bitter fight on Capitol Hill," followed by correspondent Kelly O'Donnell declaring ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore 'Audit the IRS' Rally; Minimize Coverage of $70 Million in IRS Bonuses

The Big Three all punted on covering the Capitol Hill "Audit the IRS" rally on their Wednesday evening and Thursday morning newscasts. CBS This Morning played a four-second soundbite of Senator ...
Media Research Center

'Today' Hosts: Bloomberg Forcing New Yorkers to Sort Rotting Garbage a 'Great Idea'

The hosts on Monday's NBC Today were all in agreement that New City Mayor Michael Bloomberg forcing all residents to sort out rotten food scraps from their garbage for composting – and to hold ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Mitchell Disses Cheney to Defend Obama on NSA Snooping

In a report on Monday's NBC Today about new leaks from National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell took a jab at former Vice ...
Media Research Center

NBC Hypes New Census Data Showing 'White Majority Gone In 30 Years'

Amid the debate over immigration reform and media predictions that the Republican Party will never again win a national election due to demographic shifts in the country, correspondent Tom ...
Media Research Center

NBC Touts Christie at Clinton Global Initiative While Other GOPers Address 'Religious Conservatives'

During a fawning report on Hillary Clinton's "first time kicking off the Clinton Global Initiative" on Friday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander also cheered the "double ...
Media Research Center

NBC Celebrates 'Hillary Clinton 3.0' at Global Initiative, Showing 'No Signs of Wear'

In a report for Friday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander gushed over Hillary Clinton speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative: "Call it Hillary Clinton 3.0." A sound bite ...
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