
Media Research Center

'Today' Hosts Gush Over Dem Senator Pushing Immigration Bill in Spanish

On Tuesday's NBC Today, the hosts of the morning show applauded Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine promoting the proposed immigration bill by addressing the Senate in Spanish. Co-host ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Minimize New State Department Sex and Drugs Scandal

The latest State Department scandal, involving a possible cover-up of sexual misconduct by an ambassador and security officials, was only newsworthy enough to merit one full report each on ABC and ...
Media Research Center

O'Reilly: Even 'Most Fervent Obama News Agency' NBC Having Trouble Defending President

On Tuesday night's O'Reilly Factor, mentioning his appearance on NBC's Today that morning, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly observed that the Peacock Network was having a difficult time covering ...
Media Research Center

Puzzled Matt Lauer to O'Reilly: 'You Think There's Been Less Transparency' Under Obama?

In an interview with Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer seemed perplexed by the Fox News host asserting that "the Obama administration doesn't tell us anything" about ...
Media Research Center

Guardian's Glenn Greenwald Schools NBC's Guthrie on NSA Snooping

Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald corrected co-host Savannah Guthrie on her framing of the NSA phone and email surveillance controversy after she inaccurately ...
Media Research Center

NBC Gushes Over Hillary Biopic: Clinton's 'Friends in Hollywood' Are 'Doing Her a Favor'

After fretting that numerous government scandals were becoming a "big problem" for President Obama at the top of Friday's NBC Today, in the 7:30 a.m. ET half hour, correspondent Andrea Mitchell ...
Media Research Center

GMA Gives 5 Times the Coverage to Paris Jackson Than Obama Admin Collecting Phone Records

Both NBC and CBS led their Thursday morning shows with news that the Obama administration has secretly obtained the phone records of millions of Americans, but ABC's Good Morning America ...
Media Research Center

NBC Applauds Obama National Security Picks, Claims Susan Rice 'Vindicated' By Benghazi Emails

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd cheered President Obama picking Susan Rice to be his new national security advisor and nominating Samantha Power as ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd: GOP Using Susan Rice as 'Punching Bag,' Shouldn't Be 'Beating Up on Women'

Reporting the breaking news on Wednesday's NBC Today that President Obama had named U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to be national security advisor, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Open Lautenberg Seat a 'Political Hot Potato' for Christie, Suggests He Appoint a Dem

Following the death of New Jersey Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg on Monday, Tuesday's NBC Today immediately began speculating on his replacement and the potential fallout for Chris ...
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