
NBC: Dick Cheney 'One of the Most Controversial Figures of Our Time,' Did We Mention He's Controversial?

Thursday's NBC Today previewed an upcoming Dateline interview with Dick Cheney about his new memoir and labeled the former Vice President "controversial" three times in less than a minute. Co-host ...

NBC, CBS Skip Poll Showing Obama Tied or Losing to Republicans

The morning shows on NBC and CBS skipped a new Gallup poll finding Barack Obama either behind or tied with his Republican challengers. Only ABC's Good Morning America mentioned the stark numbers.

NBC: People on Martha's Vineyard 'Excited to Share Vacation' with Obama

On Saturday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Kristen Welker fawned over President Obama's 10-day excursion to Martha's Vineyard, declaring: "...his first public outing...A bookstore in ...

NBC Skips Obama's Major Shift on Immigration, Covers 500 Pound Pig

NBC has yet to cover a major shift by the Obama administration that would halt deportation of illegal immigrants who have not committed a crime. According to the Washington Times, up to 300,000 ...

NBC Spins for Obama Vacation: 'When Is There Ever a Good Time for a World Leader' to Take a Trip?'

NBC on Friday offered a light-hearted defense of Barack Obama's vacation, justifying it by pointing out how hard it is for world leaders to take trips.

NBC's Lauer Blames Continuing High Unemployment on Employer 'Discrimination'

On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer teased an upcoming segment on unemployment by fretting: "And just ahead, help not wanted. If you're one of the 14 million Americans looking for work, ...

NBC Frets Over Tea Party's 'In-Your-Face Tactics' and 'The Politics of Anger'

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer declared: "In your face. The Tea Party puts its confrontational style on display during a stop on President Obama's bus tour." Later, chief ...

CBS Omits Tea Partier's Face-off With Obama; Played Up 'Anger' at Romney

On Monday's CBS Evening News and Tuesday's Early Show, CBS failed to cover an Iowa Tea Party activist's confrontation with President Obama. Both ABC's GMA and NBC's Today mentioned the encounter. ...

NBC's Today Wonders: How Can Obama 'Regain the Magic of 2008?'

During an interview with former Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer wondered: "How does the President get this excitement going again surrounding his ...

NBC Host to Michele Bachmann: Have You Ever Influenced Debate in Washington?

On Friday's NBC Today, fill-in co-host Lester Holt interviewed Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and was skeptical of her political relevance: "Can you name an instance where you have moved ...
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