
NBC Highlights Sniping at Boehner Debt Plan, No Criticism of Dems

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell declared the delayed vote on House Speaker John Boehner's debt ceiling plan "took precious little time," and touted how ...

NBC's 'Today' Touts 'Big Setback' for Boehner Plan, Lauer Lobs Softballs to Dick Durbin

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Today, as co-host Ann Curry declared that "Americans are just fed up with the stalemate" over the debt ceiling, fellow co-host Matt Lauer announced: "The latest ...
Media Research Center

MRC Study: ABC, CBS and NBC Cast GOP as Debt Ceiling Villains

By a Three-to-One Margin, Network News Stories Say Republicans Deserve More Blame than Democrats for Debt Impasse

NBC: Obama for 'Balanced Approach,' Boehner 'Seemed to Reject All Talk of Compromise'

On Tuesday's NBC Today, correspondent Kristen Welker portrayed President Obama as the great compromiser while reporting on his Monday night address on the debt ceiling: "...the President still ...

CNBC's John Harwood Blames GOP 'Crazy Politics' for Debt Ceiling Stalemate

Appearing on Saturday's NBC Today, CNBC's John Harwood solely blamed House Republicans for the ongoing debt ceiling gridlock: "Speaker Boehner and President Obama, were negotiating in good faith. ...

Networks Trumpet News of 'Christian' Killer, But Balked Over Labeling Muslim Violence

The three major networks trumpeted the news this weekend that the man behind a mass shooting spree in Norway is also a Christian, highlighting the fact in eight different programs from Saturday ...

NBC: Maybe 'Near Catastrophic Financial Reaction' Will Bring House GOP in Line on Debt Ceiling

Appearing on Thursday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd lamented no deal being reached on the debt ceiling and solely blamed House Republicans: "Nobody has a plan that can ...

NBC Touts Democrats Claiming Allen West Guilty of 'Sexual Harassment' Against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

On Thursday's NBC Today, congressional correspondent Kelly O'Donnell reported on a war of words between Republican Congressman Allen West and Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ...

NBC Dismisses GOP Debt Ceiling Plan as a 'Show,' 'Just Wasting Time'

On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry admonished Republicans for trying to pass a balanced budget amendment as part of a debt ceiling agreement: "Tea Party conservatives love this plan. The ...

NBC's Curry Touts Dalai Lama Giving 'Comfort' to Obama During 'Fierce Struggle' with GOP

In an interview with the Dalai Lama aired on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry bizarrely asked the Tibetan spiritual leader about the debt ceiling fight in Congress: "The President is in a ...
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