7/16/2008 8:18 AM ET
NBC reporter promotes high gas prices as a positive because they are forcing Americans to find ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
6/4/2008 8:48 AM ET
Report blasts automaker for producing 'gas-guzzling' vehicles but doesn't mention expensive labor agreements.
5/15/2008 2:06 PM ET
'Today' host repeats popular but faulty criticisms of oil companies in one-on-one with ExxonMobil head.
3/6/2008 10:50 AM ET
Prices onscreen continue to be higher than the national average for gas.
2/7/2008 12:07 PM ET
Predictions of fast-approaching $4-gallon gasoline are evaporating.
10/29/2007 10:54 AM ET
Though predicted price spike didn't happen, show still talks down about the future.
9/13/2007 11:03 AM ET
Clinton-appointed federal judge in Vermont ruled states have the authority to dictate greenhouse-gas emissions standards to fight 'the phenomenon of global warming.'
8/23/2007 8:32 AM ET
ABC, NBC and CBS reports mention price drop only about one-fourth of the time.
5/8/2007 11:48 AM ET
Both evening newscasts use faulty math to hype rising pump costs.
3/21/2007 4:29 PM ET
Media love to mention the state's expensive gas, but rarely include major causes: taxes and regulation.