
Econ 101: How to Reduce Gas Consumption

Government intervention in energy markets leads to inefficiency, even when 'energy security' is the goal.

Morning Shows Hype Need for a 'Federal Standard' on Rollovers

CBS's Orr lets go unchallenged the suggestion that auto industry cares more about bottom line than passenger safety.

'Evening News' Turns to Brit to Lecture Americans on Gas Prices

But columnist from across the Pond leaves out heavy taxes his countrymen pay for petrol.

Networks Push Government Health Care to Aid Ailing Detroit

All three broadcast news shows lament high health care costs; ABC promotes two liberal Democrats who favor increasing taxpayers' burden.

Unions: Good Ol' Days or Part of Ford's Demise?

Network reporters yearn for the days of steady jobs, overlooking hefty pay and benefits demanded by unionized workers.

Networks Steer Ford Stories to 'Hard Times,' Ignoring Other Firms on Track

Broadcasters portray an industry running out of gas, but other automakers are doing well in United States.
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