
'Evening News' Report Warns of More (and Your) Unemployment

Despite gloomy prognosis of the economy, unemployment is not at recessionary levels.

ABC Offers Tips to Secure the Job You'll Probably Lose Anyway

Morning scare-fest warns many jobs are in danger, suggests securing your position by boasting, kissing up.

NBC Blames Mortgages and Unemployment, but Not Borrowers for Debt

'Nightly News' cites subprime mess and other factors, but leaves out personal responsibility for credit card delinquencies.

The Times Continues to Fret Over Recession Fears

Gloomy Peter Goodman: "The nation gained a modest 94,000 jobs in November...pulling back considerably from the previous month in the clearest sign yet that the American economy was headed for a ...

CNN's 'Your $$$$$' Scours the Nation for Recession Hints

Co-hosts prod guests about the R-word, select states with bad news.

Strong Employment Report "Too Good to Be True"?

The U.S. economy added 166,000 jobs in October, much more than expected - but the Times wrung out as many cold water caveats as it could to dampen enthusiasm.

Job Numbers Crush Expectations After Warnings of Recession

NBC, CBS hedge the health of the economy on a jobs report, which turns out to be unexpectedly strong.

So Much for the ABC 'Recession' Talk

Job numbers outdo predictions and revisions change August numbers from negative to positive.

Media Negative throughout Nearly Four Years of Job Growth

By predicting job losses, focusing on layoffs and ignoring job revisions the media have cast a pall over the U.S. economy.

Econ 101: Betting on the Media or the Market?

Dow record shows investor confidence, but the media worry over every aspect of the economy.
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