
Media Research Center

Journalists’ Union: ‘We are the 99%!’

Union also in same campaign with and Common Cause.

The Times' Hypocritical Cries of Verizon's "Censorship"

A lead editorial accuses Verizon Wireless of censoring political speech - but what about the Times' editorials that call for limiting political speech before elections in the name of campaign ...

Rapper Not a "Perfect Gentleman"

Verizon Connects Customers to Raunchy Rapper

It doesn't get any more hypocritical than a recording company using federal law to stifle free speech critical of its lewd and lascivious rapper while wrapping the First Amendment around him.

V for Verizon? One Reporter's Telecom Vendetta

CNN's Allen Wastler rings bell for more government interference with telecoms, but ignores consumers' existing costs from high taxes and regulation.
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