
ABC's Republican Character Under Siege from 'Conservative Purity Police' and 'Ultra-Conservative Yahoos'

Three weeks after the mom on ABC's Brothers & Sisters fretted over GOP "denying global warming," the ABC drama was centered around her daughter, a GOP Senate candidate, coming under attack ...

Jane Pauley Back on NBC, Yearned for 'Cool, Steady Hand' of 'Exceptional' Obama

In 2008, just four years after leaving NBC News, Jane Pauley gave the maximum allowed donation to Barack Obama and campaigned for him, proclaiming "I want to see the cool, steady hand of Barack ...

NBC's Williams Showcases 'Gripping' Kennedy Screaming Against Media from the Left

Wednesday's NBC Nightly News made time to showcase an unhinged liberal Democrat, Representative Patrick Kennedy, screaming against the media during House floor remarks in favor of a Dennis ...

CBS Drama Showcases Blank Book that Mocks Palin as Empty-Headed Dunce

On this past Tuesday's episode of The Good Wife on CBS, viewers were treated to a scene in which a ballistics expert opens a gift, from a partner of a law firm, to find a book about Sarah Palin ...

Michael Moore: 250,000 Killed in Haiti Because It's an Unregulated 'Republican's Paradise'

Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore, appearing on Friday night's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO to plug the DVD release of his Capitalism: A Love Story screed, cited the 250,000 killed in Haiti, ...

Fox Animator MacFarlane on HBO: 'If Reagan Were President, He Would Try Dick Cheney for War Crimes'

Former President Ronald Reagan would have prosecuted Dick Cheney for war crimes, Seth MacFarlane (IMDb page), creator, writer and executive producer of the Family Guy, American Dad! and The ...

Flashback, Gumbel: Lack of Blacks Makes Winter Olympics 'Look Like GOP Convention'

On the eve of the Winter Olympics four years ago, Bryant Gumbel couldn't resist taking a racial shot at the Republican Party in a commentary at the end of his Real Sports magazine show on HBO: ...

Olbermann Uses Devastating Haiti Justify ObamaCare!

The devastating earthquake in Haiti, which may have killed tens of thousands or more, "reminded" MSNBC's Keith Olbermann of why ObamaCare is needed in the United States as he saw "what health care ...

Moran and Brownstein Take Swipes at Limbaugh's Health System 'Just Dandy'

On Sunday's This Week, fill-in host Terry Moran, along with Ron Brownstein and Cynthia Tucker, took swipes at Rush Limbaugh for his contention that his good experience at a Honolulu hospital ...

Fox Newswatch Highlights Couric and Klein in MRC's Awards for Worst Reporting

Saturday's Fox Newswatch on FNC highlighted two "winners" in the MRC's "Best Notable Quotables of 2009: The 22nd Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting." Viewers were treated to Katie Couric ...
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