Catching up with a Thursday night appearance by Senator Rand Paul, Paul's segment on the Late Show exposed David Letterman as an arrogantly ill-informed ally of Wisconsin's public employee unions: ...
Tuesday night's The Good Wife on CBS gave prime time legitimacy to the presumption the Tea Party is racist as a lawyer in a courtroom tried to discredit an expert witness by demanding he admit ...
"The shooter's motivation is still unknown," Katie Couric announced as she anchored Saturday's CBS Evening News, but that didn't deter CBS, nor CNN, NBC and ABC on Saturday night and into Sunday ...
"This is such a weak field," Fox News analyst Juan Williams declared during a Fox News Sunday look at potential 2012 GOP presidential candidates, prompting an appalled Bill Kristol to mock: "Yeah, ...
"There weren't a lot of hard questions in this news conference," FNC's Bret Baier observed in an understatement. Indeed, Caren Bohan of Reuters reflected the collective glow of the White House ...
On Sunday's Face the Nation, Republican Senate whip Jon Kyl kept correcting host Bob Schieffer about how extending tax "rates," not "cuts," is what is being debated, leading Schieffer to conceded ...
David Letterman is a big believer in cataclysmic predictions about global warming, but on Wednesday's Late Show his mom, Dorothy, rejected his proposition that global warming was to blame for some ...
MSNBC's Cenk Uygur mischaracterized the 43rd President's position on the waterboarding, before demanding that Bush be prosecuted. "Now it seems to me we have a confession here of a war crime and a ...