
Media Research Center

Predictable: Katy Perry’s Patriotic Video Draws Lefty Ire

‘Feminist’ author states singer’s Marines video is propaganda.
Media Research Center

Newsweek/Daily Beast's Yarrow Would Take Heart Back from Cheney, 'One of the Most Evil People in the World'

On Monday’s edition of Newsweek/TheDaily Beast's daily NewsBeast in-house video, the promotional “highlight” was Newsweek/Daily Beast assignment editor and reporter Allison Yarrow saying of ...
Media Research Center

CBS’s O’Donnell Hits Ryan with White House Talking Points, Then Cues Up Softballs to Schumer

Filling in for Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation, Norah O’Donnell hit Republican Congressman Paul Ryan from the left, using White House talking points to contend his budget plan helps the rich ...
Media Research Center

George Clooney: If Obama Were a Republican He’d Be Considered ‘Very Successful’

If only President Barack Obama were a Republican, then the public would realize he has been “a very successful” President, but Democrats, actor/activist George Clooney fretted, “are just ...
Media Research Center

Clueless Bob Schieffer Befuddled by Idea Team Obama Wants Higher Gas Prices: ‘What’s That About?’

Another example of how out of touch the Washington press corps are with what is common knowledge amongst conservatives. On Face the Nation, host Bob Schieffer was flummoxed by Mitt Romney’s ...
Media Research Center

NBC’s Gregory Frets Romney Missed ‘Sister Souljah Moment’ to Denounce Limbaugh; Noonan Blasts Limbaugh as ‘Piggish’

No love on the Sunday morning television talk shows for Rush Limbaugh, not even a mild defense as the unifying theme was disappointment in Mitt Romney for not denouncing the leading national ...
Media Research Center

NBC: ‘A Firestorm of Outrage from Women After a Crude Tirade from Rush Limbaugh’

Serving as the arm of MSNBC which actually has a significant audience, Thursday’s NBC Nightly News promoted a left-wing effort to impugn and silence Rush Limbaugh. “A firestorm of outrage from ...
Media Research Center

Matthews: Obama 'Can Cause a Thrill in the American People' with Both Brain and Heart

During Tuesday's live coverage the Republican presidential primaries in Arizona and Michigan, MSNBC's Chris Matthews again talked about President Obama delivering a "thrill" as he asserted ...
Media Research Center

Judge on CBS Prime Time Drama Cheers ‘Amazing’ Occupy Protesters: ‘I Salute Them’

Occupy Wall Street earned a shout-out Sunday night on a CBS drama, the kind of Hollywood affirmation the Tea Party could never dream of receiving. “Before we begin,” a judge announced in a ...
Media Research Center

Santorum Nomination 'Completely Terrifies' Economist Magazine's Economics Editor

Friday night on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, Zanny Minton Beddoes, the economics editor for the Economist magazine, expressed dread that the possibility Rick Santorum could win the Republican ...
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