
Media Research Center

Actor Jay Thomas: ‘Worried’ That ‘Medieval...Idiot White Guys’ Romney and Ryan Might Win

A mix of hatred and despair on display Friday night from a member of Barack Obama’s core constituency: the Hollywood Left. On something called John Fugelsang: So That Happened, which runs ...
Media Research Center

Incredibly, In Prime Time Interview Brian Williams Treats Obama as a Victim of Bad Intelligence on Benghazi

Even after all the e-mails and information has come out over the past few weeks proving dissembling by President Obama himself and other administration officials on what they knew about the ...
Media Research Center

NBC Nightly News Showcases ‘Undecided Voter’ Trashing Romney Hours After She Declares for Obama

A not so undecided “undecided voter.” At 10:12 AM EDT Wednesday on CNN, faux “undecided voter” Susan Katz, who had asked Mitt Romney at the debate the night before how he’s different from ...
Media Research Center

Ingraham and Hume Scold NYT’s Zeleny and Media for Not Pursuing Obama Administration’s Dissembling on Libya

With New York Times political reporter Jeff Zeleny sitting next to her on the Fox News Sunday set, radio host Laura Ingraham demanded: “I would hope that the New York Times, as they camped ...
Media Research Center

Sawyer Spends 4 Minutes Channeling Liberal Angst Over Obama’s Debate Performance; 20 Seconds on Libya Dissembling

ABC’s Diane Sawyer spent a solid four minutes of her interview with President Barack Obama, as excerpted at the top of Wednesday’s World News, channeling liberal angst over Obama’s debate ...
Media Research Center

NBC Dismisses Obama Video as Old News, Edits Out Jeremiah Wright Comments

In a stunning omission on Wednesday's NBC Today, brief coverage of a 2007 video of Barack Obama completely ignored the then-Senator praising his controversial pastor Jeremiah Wright as a ...

NYTimes, a Journalistic Enterprise, Is Ambivalent About the Free Expression Rights of Others

Times journalist Somini Sengupta is ambivalent about that whole free expression thing, at least when it comes to other people's speech: "One of the challenges of the digital age, as the YouTube ...
Media Research Center

Pelley Trumpets Obama’s ‘Remarkable Moment of Candor’ in What Makes the ‘Sacrifices Worth It’

“Listen for it,” CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley urged viewers Friday night in trumpeting what he hailed as “a remarkable moment of candor” from President Barack Obama “when he told us ...
Media Research Center

Steve Hayes: ‘You Knew the Media Were Going to Obsess on This and Obsess on It They Did’

Mitt Romney was correct in his critique of President Barack Obama’s “Arab Spring” policies but, on the timing, The Weekly Standard’s Steve Hayes cautioned on FNC’s Special Report, Romney should ...
Media Research Center

Gregory Pushes Romney to ‘Cut a Deal with Democrats that Would Cause Conservatives to Revolt’

David Gregory teased Sunday's Meet the Press by highlighting a clip of himself pushing Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to upset conservatives in getting a budget deal, ...
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