Appearing on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman on Wednesday,
former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney asserted that he had been
a completely objective reporter for Time magazine before ...
Despite the continuing fallout from the shoot down of Malaysian Airlines
Flight 17 and Israel's incursion into Gaza, Monday's NBC Today devoted over four minutes of air time to weatherman Al ...
Acting as a cheerleader for the White House "Summit on Working Families" on Tuesday's NBC Today, 9 a.m. ET hour co-host Natalie Morales hailed: "A lot of good talk at the White House yesterday. ...
On Tuesday, the NBC, ABC, and CBS morning shows all seized on a new
climate change report being released by the White House ahead of a slate
of interviews with President Obama conducted by ...
After White House emails released on Tuesday showed the Obama
administration had a direct hand in crafting false talking points about
the Benghazi terrorist attack in 2012, Wednesday's CBS ...
With only weeks left before she retires, View co-host Barbara Walters on Wednesday found time to fawn over another liberal Democrat. The veteran journalist repeatedly hyped Senator Elizabeth ...
After CBS White House correspondent Major Garrett thoroughly dismantled White House rhetoric on the supposed "pay gap" between men and women on Tuesday, only twenty-four hours later, CBS This ...
On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, White House correspondent Major
Garrett completely dismantled President Obama's left-wing talking points
on the supposed gender pay gap of women making 77 cents ...
ABC reporter Jon Karl on Wednesday broke from the official journalistic fawning over Michelle Obama's birthday, asking White House Press Secretary Jay Carney about the cost and whether the ...