World News's Jonathan Karl on Wednesday turned a uniquely skeptical eye on Barack Obama's decision to end White House tours in the wake of sequester. Highlighting the President's claim that the ...
One week after Politico declared President Obama to be a "puppet master" for his ability to manipulate media coverage, on Thursday's NBC Today,
co-host Willie Geist was a willing participant in ...
In an exclusive interview with The Washington Post's Bob Woodward on Friday's NBC Today,
co-host Matt Lauer belittled the veteran journalist for daring to
reveal a contentious exchange with ...
Times reporter Annie Lowrey sneaked in a liberal policy proposal in her analysis of alleged gender bias inside the White House: "Experts said that family-friendly policies, like paid maternity ...
Appearing on Monday's MSNBC Morning Joe, NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd shared some inside information:
"So I threw the Lincoln analogy at a close aide to the President last ...
Barack Obama on Wednesday submitted to his first press conference since March. Some of the White House journalists didn't seem to hold the long wait against him, however. One reporter, Christi ...
On two occasions, Times columns have ended up in the inboxes of the CIA or the top White House advisor. The paper does not have a formal policy on sharing anarticle for publication.
Reacting to allegations that the White House leaked several pieces of
highly classified national security information to the press for
political gain, on Monday's NBC Today left-wing MSNBC ...
Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts, ABC's World News on Thursday ran a report which informed viewers that Democrats in Congress have joined Republicans in accusing the Obama ...