
TV's Increasing Female Body Count

A new study shows CBS, NBC, and Fox (but not ABC) all green-lighted a significant increase in the incidents and degree of violence against women.

Television Violence, Real-Life Consequences

New PTC study finds increased depictions of violence against on women on primetime programs.

Ignoring Title IX's Impact on Men's College Sports

A Times story on budget-cutting in university sports leaves out a major factor: The impact of the federal law Title IX, which has caused colleges to drop minor men's sports in the name of ...

Down a Dark Abby

The Culture and Media Institutes analysis of Dear Abbys 2007 columns reveals that the worlds leading advice columnist cannot be trusted to promote traditional sexual morality but she can be ...

The Times Finds Dubious Female "Victims" of "Unfriendly" Economy

Gloomy Gus economic reporter Louis Uchitelle devotes a lead story to women "victims" of the economy - but are they really that bad off?

Home Sweet 'Mortgage Hell'

Glamour warns women about their 'scariest money mistake' and a 'tsunami of foreclosures'

The Media Assault on American Values

The conflict between the media, personal responsibility and respect for religion.

Bad Company III

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests

ABC and CBS Give No Credit to Novartis

Evening broadcasts praise 'promising' drug for osteoporosis without naming the manufacturer.

CNN Parrots Press Release on Pay Gap Study

'In the Money' highlights call for more business regulation, but admits women's salary negotiations play a role.
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