
Flashback: When Gibson was Enthralled by Cindy Sheehan

The Washington Examiner's Byron York blogged Thursday about how ABC anchor Charles Gibson declared "enough already" when asked about Cindy Sheehan's plan to travel to President Barack Obama's ...

Nets Use Nazi Comparison to Tar Obama Opponents, Delight in Barney Frank's Retort

ABC, CBS and NBC on Wednesday night all showcased liberal Congressman Barney Frank's rejoinder - "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" - to a woman's question: "Why do you continue to ...

Gibson Worries: 'Will Obama Go to the Mat for a Public Option?'

On Monday's World News, ABC's Charles Gibson channeled the worry of liberal activists over President Obama' seeming retreat on the big government "public option." Gibson fretted to White House ...

ABC Concedes ObamaCare Could Include Taxpayer Funding of Abortion

During Thursday's World News with Charles Gibson, ABC's Kate Snow held open the possibility that some ObamaCare opponents are correct in their belief that universal health care will include ...

ABC's David Wright Spins for Obama With Lefty Health Care 'Fact Check'

On Tuesday's World News, for the second day in a row, ABC delivered a "fact check" on the health care bill, offering up perspectives sympathetic to the sweeping legislation. Confusing opinions for ...

ABC's Kate Snow Shifts Course; Notes GOP Opposition in Story on End-of-life Care

ABC's Kate Snow, who early on Monday couldn't find time to show any Republican opposition to a controversial provision in the health care plan, reversed course on World News and briefly ...

'World News' Shows How Environmental Regulations Backfire

ABC segment on what happens to U.S. post-consumer electronic waste shows problem of unintended consequences.

Nets Plug Kennedy's 'Dramatic' and 'Emotional Pitch for Health Care Reform'

Newsweek engaged itself deeper in the battle for nationalized health by turning over its cover story - "We're Almost There" - to Senator Ted Kennedy for his recitation of "the cause of my life." ...

ABC's Greenburg: Sotomayor Not 'Liberal Activist' But 'Almost Conservative'

Summing up Sonia Sotomayor's performance during four days of hearings, ABC's Jan Crawford Greenburg on Thursday night asserted her record "proved Sotomayor was a liberal activist." But, Greenburg ...

'World News' Charges Goldman Sachs with Making Too Much Profit

ABC segment suggests investment bank took 'too much risk' in effort to show positive returns in recessionary economy.
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