
'World News' Uses Sanford Scandal to Make Sexist Claim against Male Politicians

ABC News political analyst Cokie Roberts suggests male politicians wouldn't cheat 'if they were thinking with another part of their body.'

ABC Promises 'Tough Questions' for Obama in 'Television Event'

Friday's World News carried a 15-second promo for Wednesday night's controversial prime time special, "Questions for the President: Prescription for America." Over video of President Barack Obama, ...

Obama Pushes Gov. Health Care; ABC Responds with 'Prescription for America' Coverage from White House

Networks balance reports on AMA speech, but ABC outrages public with week of health care coverage, 'World News,' 'GMA' to be aired from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson Glows Over Obama's 'Very Tender Moment' with AMA

President Barack Obama created "a very tender moment," as he addressed the American Medical Association, and "was right on target at reaching out to the heart of most physicians" ABC's Dr. Tim ...

Nets Tout Obama's 'Historic' and 'Transformational' Speech in Cairo

Thursday's network evening newscasts gave positive reviews to President Obama's Cairo speech, with NBC the most glowingly positive. NBC quoted one observer who said she got "goose pimples," and ...

ABC Rues 'It's a Lot Easier to Make Cuts Than It is To Raise Taxes'

Two weeks after ABC's Laura Marquez blamed California's budget deficit on an "unwillingness to raise taxes" tied to 1978's Proposition 13 "mandating an almost unachievable two-thirds vote by the ...

ABC and CBS Spike Muslim Convert's Politically-Motivated Murder of U.S. Soldier

The networks, which saw the apparently politically-motivated murder of a doctor who performed late term abortions as a major story, haven't been so interested in a Muslim convert who targeted and ...

Sotomayor Prompts More 'Conservative' Than 'Liberal' Labels

Amazingly, after showing no reluctance in 2005 to describe John Roberts and Sam Alito as "conservative" or worse, the Tuesday network evening newscasts, particularly ABC and NBC, applied more ...

Gibson: 'We Have Terrorists in U.S. Prisons, So Why Not the Guys from Guantanamo?'

ABC, CBS and NBC all led Wednesday night with the Senate's overwhelming 90 to 6 bi-partisan vote to withhold funding for the closing of Guantanamo and block any detainees from being moved to the ...

ABC Regrets California's 'Unwillingness to Raise Taxes'

A Tuesday story on ABC's World News, which ignored soaring state spending, reflected frustration with California voters for the anticipated rejection of ballot initiatives to raise taxes as ...
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