
Media Research Center

HuffPo Prepares Readers for 'Defaultocalypse'

Bizarre, possible satire encourages debt-ceiling panic, wolf training and stockpiling guns.
Media Research Center

One Year, 32,000 Words: WaPo’s Campaign Against Redskins 7x Longer than U.S. Constitution

Paper disdains fans, popular opinion in PC jihad against mascot.  
Media Research Center

Moody’s Disputes Warnings about Shutdown and Debt Ceiling

As administration and media warn of economic doom, Moody’s says US credit rating safe.
Media Research Center

Happy Columbus Day: Libs Celebrate By Calling Explorer Rapist, Slaver, Mass Murderer

Left rolls out anti-Americanism by attacking explorer's discovery.  
Media Research Center

Networks Tout Fed Nominee Yellen’s ‘Brilliance’

ABC, CBS and NBC sing praises of liberal likely to be next Federal Reserve chairman, only CBS mentions critics.
Media Research Center

Jezebel: ‘Many’ Told to Save Virginity for Jesus, ‘Married Penis Divine’

The feminist site keeps it classy.
Media Research Center

Networks: Miss America More Important than Fed Nominee

Janet Yellen and her left-wing views get less time than Miss America; ABC covers pageant winner 25 times more than potential Fed chairman.
Media Research Center

Hollywood Uses Influence to Push Obamacare, Denies It Has Influence on Violent Culture

Celebrities mobilize over 67 million Twitter users to ‘Get Covered’ by president’s health insurance plan.
Media Research Center

WaPo, USA Today Declare Redskins’ Name Debate Over

PC Media dictate to league, owners and fans.
Media Research Center

‘20/20’: Convicted Child Molester a ‘Peppy Cheer-Leader, Choir Girl’

ABC’s Gutman does advocacy for Katlyn Hunt.  
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