
Media Research Center

Europe Utility Costs Spike Due to Renewables Push

Business Insider notes how costly going green can be.
Media Research Center

Antarctica Not Melting: Ice Levels At Record High

Climate change alarmists struggle to understand how ice can increase with global warming.
Media Research Center

Analysis: Networks Wait Till after Shutdown Vote to Cover ObamaCare’s Many Flaws

GOP blamed health plan for budget fight, but ABC, CBS and NBC cover problems 4 times more after Republicans cave.
Media Research Center

JFK Truther Oliver Stone Still Claims ‘Cloud of BS’ Conceals Facts

Director promotes his 1991 JFK film, alongside his revisionist anti-American history miniseries.
Media Research Center

WaPo: Liberal, Profane Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber A ‘Superhero,’ ‘Rockstar’

Boorstein gushes over lefty ‘budding star.’
Media Research Center

Post Sportswriter: Redskins Defenders on ‘Wrong Side of History’

The Most Important Sports Columnist in the World, Ever, goes after NFL commissioner.
Media Research Center

Gay Rights Movement Threatens Businesses

Venues, bakers and florists on receiving end of hate, harassment and lawsuits for holding to religious convictions; networks say little.
Media Research Center

St. Louis Fed President: Shutdown ‘Not That Big a Deal’ for Economy

News media touted S&P analysis saying partial closure cost economy $24 billion.
Media Research Center

Pro-Life Groups: ObamaCare Will ‘Make Planned Parenthood a $2B Industry’

Pro-lifers stake 915 crosses at Capitol for the 915 Planned Parenthood abortions per day.  
Media Research Center

NBCUniversal’s Insurance Premiums to Rise Due to Obamacare

CNBC hosts discuss how Obamacare has made their own premiums more expensive.
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