
Media Research Center

‘Jersey Shore’ Star Prays She’ll Have a Gay Son

‘Snooki’ announces her preferences for her child’s sexuality.
Media Research Center

Networks Cite 12 Times NSA Stopped Terror; No Mention of Islam

ABC, CBS, NBC all skip Muslim involvement in attacks.
Media Research Center

NY Times Fawns Over Bill Nye: ‘Warrior for Science’

Scientific critics of Nye’s climate claims get no attention in Times profile of activist ‘Science Guy.’ 
Media Research Center

‘Daily Show’ Scoffs at Idea of Pro-Gay Bullying

HuffPo hypes ‘hilarious’ Samantha Bee mocking Christians who point out pro-gay violence.
Media Research Center

Shameless: NBC Never Tells Viewers it Smeared Zimmerman with Doctored Audio

In 202 reports on case, network never mentions phony tape, firings, lawsuit.
Media Research Center

‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Perpetuates Negative Stereotype of Wall Street

Hollywood continues to push Occupy Wall Street themes in films.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Blog: Religion to Blame for Overpopulation, Environmental Ruin

Along with destruction of happiness, opportunity and health.  
Media Research Center

USA Today Hypes Tattooed Lesbian WNBA Player as ‘Role Model.’

‘Comfortable in her own skin,’ Griner is sexual ‘rebel,’ will model men’s clothing
Media Research Center

HuffPo High-Schooler with Lesbian Moms Feels Left Out of Father's Day

Teen “Activist” wants to scratch gender-specific holidays off the calendar.
Media Research Center

Billionaires Want to End Capitalism As We Know It

CNBC Europe promotes nonprofit seeking to ‘build a better version of capitalism.’ 
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