
Media Research Center

The Long Hike: Media’s 13 Years of Bullying Boy Scouts Over Gays

Give journalists a merit badge for consistency: they’ve demanded gay scouts and leaders for a long time.
Media Research Center

Media Claims Pope Gave Atheists Pass into Heaven

Pope Francis made waves on Wednesday when he said that atheists can do good; but some media headlines jumped on the chance to portray the new pontiff as bucking Church teaching. 
Media Research Center

Networks’ Evening Shows Don’t Name Islam in London Terror Attack

Anchors, reporters tip-toe around attacker's Islamic radicalism.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Live: Want True Love? Have Casual Sex!

After breakup, promiscuity is path to happiness.
Media Research Center

CMI On TV – NBC Won’t Save New Summer Comedy

NBC lets religious mocking comedy ‘Save Me’ burn out of lineup
Media Research Center

Student Loan Hype: Networks Focus on Debts 245 Percent Higher than Average

 When ABC, CBS and NBC broadcasts mention what graduates owe, they go to extremes. 
Media Research Center

Kanye West’s Latest Rap ‘New Slaves’ Compares Consumerism to Slavery

 ‘F*** you and your corporation’ says rapper worth $100 million. 
Media Research Center

Left Defends Accused Child Molester Because She’s Lesbian

When your 18-year-old daughter is expelled and charged with sexual battery of a child, one option is to go public and declare she’s a martyr under fire from anti-gay bias.
Media Research Center

Lila Rose: Media Hide Abortion Dangers to Women

Babies aren't abortion's only victims.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Live: Gender Bending a ‘Benefit’ for Children

Panel decries gender ‘myths.’
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