
Media Research Center

Bates Motel Continues Incestuous Hints as Norma Gets Crazier

Putting the ‘ick’ in ‘sick.’  
Media Research Center

CMI On TV – 90210 Finale: Celebrating 5 Years of Looking Hot, Sleeping Around

Over-paid, over-sexed and, mercifully, over.
Media Research Center

Rumsfeld: ‘Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Improve the Lives of Their Fellow Citizens’

George W. Bush’s Secretary of Defense defends capitalism, slams socialism in his new book.
Media Research Center

Planned Parenthood Ad: ‘Your Baby Will Thank You’

The grisly details about Kermit Gosnell’s horrific abortion clinic filled headlines during the last week (despite some obvious reluctance from the media).
Media Research Center

NYT's Peters Still Thunderstruck By GOP's Ridiculous, Doomed Attempts to Repeal Obamacare

Jeremy Peters again mocks the House GOP's long-shot attempts to repeal Obamacare: One by one, they queued up in the aisles of the House of Representatives, eager for their one minute to unload ...
Media Research Center

23 Liberal Media Outlets, Including MSNBC Defend IRS Tea Party Probe

 Left-wing operations say conservatives deserved to be targeted.  
Media Research Center

The ‘How I Met Your’ Mother Revealed

A surprise on screen and in person from a cast member.
Media Research Center

Isabella Rossellini: Eating Babies is Good Motherhood

Aging actress’ show highlights gruesome animal activity as efficient parenting  
Media Research Center

Reality Shows Trump Fiction Showing What Businessmen Are Like

With the entertainment industry pumping out a different crop of reality shows every season, a new phenomenon had occurred. Business, success, and making money are suddenly portrayed positively. ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Peters Hits 'Waste of Time' Obama-Care Repeal Votes and GOP's 'Myopic Focus' on Deficits

Times reporter Jeremy Peters is not pleased with the House Republican votes to repeal Obama care, dismissing them as a waste of time and a mere "Republican rite of passage," and in a time of $16 ...
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