
Media Research Center

NYTimes' Tavernise Pushes Heaping Helpings of Speech and Food Regulation in the Name of Better Health

Reporter Sabrina Tavernise went back for refills to bolster the nanny state: "But critics say efforts to influence behavior will have only a modest effect without policy measures like taxes on ...
Media Research Center

Rich Portrays Chicago Teachers As Acting on Principle, Skips $75,000 Average Salary

Getting to the left of her paper's editorial page, Times reporter Motoko Rich portrayed the striking Chicago teachers' union as acting on principle: "These efforts are stirring skepticism and ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Ashley Parker's Opening Line on Romney Speech: "Facing Criticism..."

Ashley Parker puts Mitt Romney on the spot from the beginning of her story from the National Guard convention:"Facing criticism for failing to mention American troops or the Afghan war effort in ...
Media Research Center

Krugman: 'You've Got to Be Kidding' if You Think Obama Should Have Fixed Economy by Now

James Taranto documented the shifting standards of economist turned partisan hack New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. When it comes to Republican presidents, four years is plenty of time to ...
Media Research Center

New Study Forces Media To Change Tune on Organic Food

Report claims organic food isn’t nutritionally better than food without ‘organic’ label.
Media Research Center

New York Times Uses 9-11 Anniversary to Accuse Bush of 'Negligence,' but Neglects to Bring Evidence

The Times gives former reporter Kurt Eichenwald space to blame Bush for "negligence" on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, but fails to bring the evidence: "...the administration’s ...
Media Research Center

Once More, NYTimes Dubiously Defends Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' as 'Taken Out of Context'

There they go again. New York Times reporter Jackie Calmes said speakers at the Democratic convention "sought to counter a Republican convention theme, based on an Obama quote taken out of ...
Media Research Center

Ominous Liberal Signs From the Paper's New Public Editor Margaret Sullivan

Will the New York Times' new Public Editor spend her term criticizing the paper from the left? Less than a week after starting, Margaret Sullivan has already hailed the political wisdom of ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo News Flash: Mormons Don’t Think Jesus Was Black

Authors claim LDS worships a racist Christ.
Media Research Center

Singer Lupe Fiasco Decries Use of Word ‘Bi**h’; Attacked by Critics, Fellow Rapper

‘Bi**h Bad’ song slammed as ‘mansplaining,’ ‘demeaning hierarchy of women.’
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