Times reporter John Eligon: "This challenge to Mr. Obama comes
in a state where the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, is heavily
favored, and where the electorate has shifted sharply to the ...
The New York Times lets Obama play tough in a front-page story, but skips the attack on the U.S. embassy in Yemen, which the Washington Post fronts. From the Times: "The president was not happy; ...
On two occasions, Times columns have ended up in the inboxes of the CIA or the top White House advisor. The paper does not have a formal policy on sharing anarticle for publication.
New York Times movie critic Jeanette Catsoulis locates an "enemy of progress" in a grandmother who has reservations about the gay lifestyle: "When Mr. Leffew’s magnificently ambivalent father ...
On Sept. 11, 2012, riots erupted in Egypt, Libya and now Yemen, ostensibly over what the media call an anti-Muslim Youtube video made in America. In Bengazi, militants murdered the United ...
The headline over Isabel Kershner's story on conservative Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's frosty dealings with Barack Obama: 'Israelis Fear Fallout From Netanyahu’s Blunt Comments." Kershner ...
Peter Baker and Ashley Parker write: "Already on the defensive for not
mentioning Afghanistan in his convention speech and losing some ground
in recent polls, Mr. Romney saw an opportunity to ...