
NYT Reporter John Eligon Talks 'Far-Right Republicans' in Kansas, Predicts 'Stringent Social Policies' to Come

Times reporter John Eligon: "This challenge to Mr. Obama comes in a state where the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, is heavily favored, and where the electorate has shifted sharply to the ...
Media Research Center

Lady Gaga Introduces New ‘Very Slutty Perfume’

Singer suggests she would use scent ‘to seduce someone’.
Media Research Center

New York Times Gives Obama Front Page for Tough Talk on Egypt, Skips Yemen Attacks

The New York Times lets Obama play tough in a front-page story, but skips the attack on the U.S. embassy in Yemen, which the Washington Post fronts. From the Times: "The president was not happy; ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Sent Unpublished Columns to the Obama Administration for Vetting

On two occasions, Times columns have ended up in the inboxes of  the CIA or the top White House advisor. The paper does not have a formal policy on sharing anarticle for publication.
Media Research Center

Reluctant Grandmothers Now 'Enemies of Progress' on Gay Marriage, Says NYT Movie Critic Catsoulis

New York Times movie critic Jeanette Catsoulis locates an "enemy of progress" in a grandmother who has reservations about the gay lifestyle: "When Mr. Leffew’s magnificently ambivalent father ...
Media Research Center

Islam’s Media Apologists Keep Excusing, Ignoring Violence

On Sept. 11, 2012, riots erupted in Egypt, Libya and now Yemen, ostensibly over what the media call an anti-Muslim Youtube video made in America. In Bengazi, militants murdered the United ...
Media Research Center

Kanye West: ‘Mitt Romney Don’t Pay No Tax’

Song on new album ‘Cruel Summer’ repeats 'totally unsubstantiated rumor.' 
Media Research Center

Bloomberg’s Soda Ban Passes, After Steady Stream of Media Attacks on Soft Drinks

New York City Board of Health approves the mayor’s proposed soda ban in spite of lack of evidence regulation will lower obesity.
Media Research Center

New York Times Again Runs Bad Headline Calling Netanyahu a Failure

The headline over Isabel Kershner's story on conservative Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's frosty dealings with Barack Obama: 'Israelis Fear Fallout From Netanyahu’s Blunt Comments." Kershner ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Twice Says Romney 'on the Defensive' in Front-Page Analysis of His Libya Comments

Peter Baker and Ashley Parker write: "Already on the defensive for not mentioning Afghanistan in his convention speech and losing some ground in recent polls, Mr. Romney saw an opportunity to ...
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