
Media Research Center

Economics Reporter Turned NYT Columnist Touts Basketcase Italy as High-Tax Paradise

Times reporter turned columnist Eduardo Porter cries out for justice, or at least higher taxes on the middle class, which will apparently lower infant mortality and do all matter of good things ...
Media Research Center

Stark Favoritism on the Campaign Trail With the New York Times

Paul Ryan was in a shady meeting with a controversial donor, while Mitt Romney was barely noticed on the campaign trail in the Midwest. Meanwhile, gifted orator Barack Obama was celebrated with a ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Dowd: Paul Ryan Will 'Rain Misery' Down, 'Intend[s] to Hurt Other People'

Times columnist Maureen Dowd praises the Paul Ryan pick: "Who better to rain misery upon the heads of millions of Americans?....except that his politics are just a teensy bit heartless....Ryan ...
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS, NBC Ignore Chick-fil-A Vandalism

Networks skip 3 destructive incidents on part of gay marriage advocates.
Media Research Center

Game of Thrones Author Preaches to the Liberal Choir, Offensively

George R.R. Martin accused ‘Tea-Baggers’ of trying to steal the election with voter ID laws.
Media Research Center

New York Times London Reporter Alan Cowell's Obsession With 'Capitalist Greed'

This marks at least the third time the Times' London reporter has blamed capitalist greed for riotous behavior in the paper's news section: "The Games took place almost exactly a year after riots ...
Media Research Center

Paul Krugman Not Crazy About Paul Ryan Pick: 'He Is, in Fact, a Big Fraud....Proposals Are Sloppy as Well as Dishonest'

Times columnist Paul Krugman even goes after colleagues in the media for the respect that "big fraud" Paul Ryan receives, due to "the gullibility and vanity of the news media, in much the same way ...
Media Research Center

Has Tea Party 'Expanded' or "Lost Momentum'? Depends on When You Read the New York Times

Times reporter Michael Shear on the Tea Party, August 13: "In fact, the movement has expanded. Tea Party voters in Texas helped the Senate candidate Ted Cruz defeat David Dewhurst, the state’s ...
Media Research Center

Former NYT Chief Editor Bill Keller Sprays Conservative Targets Ryan, Bork, 'Slander' by Swift Boat Vets

Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller went after Republicans and the party's "disciplined conservative infrastructure" in his column on Paul Ryan. Pecking at a multitude of ...
Media Research Center

Paul Ryan Greeted With 'Conservative' Labels, Seen as Proudly Conservative Compared to 'More Pragmatic' Obama

Times reporter Jackie Calmes sounds unhappy with Romney's choice of Paul Ryan: "His blueprint would greatly shrink the government, largely undoing the social safety net by shifting more costs ...
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