
Media Research Center

NYT's Stelter: PBS Host Gwen Ifill 'Livid' Over Not Being Chosen to Moderate Presidential Debate

Dismissing conservative concerns of liberal bias on the part of moderators for the presidential debates as a predictable Rush Limbaugh talking point, New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter ...

New York Times Gets Job Done in FRC Shooting Follow-Up Story

The New York Times followed up Thursday's buried brief on the Family Research Council shooting with a solid and balanced story on Friday, including pertinent information about the shooter's ...
Media Research Center

USA Today Finds OWS Theme in Movies, Ignores Villainy

Drawing examples from Batman, Cosmopolis and Arbitrage, newspaper sees Occupiers in Hollywood plots, but finds little to criticize about OWS.
Media Research Center

Egan's Peculiar Omission in Bashing Romney as 'Olympic Caliber' Flip-Flopper: Mitt's 2002 Olympics

Former New York Times reporter Timothy Egan mocks Romney's ancestors for polygamy (though President Obama's family tree is similarly encumbered) and mocks Romney as an "Olympian" flip-flopper ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Trumpets Mitt Romney's Tax Rate in Friday Lead Slot

The Times predictably put Mitt Romney's tax return announcement in its lead slot, but reporter Michael Shear noted that "Mr. Romney and his wife would still have had a higher income tax rate than ...
Media Research Center

Noble Obama Lowering the Temperature, Staying 'Out of the Fray' on Campaign Trail, Claims New York Times

Times reporter Helene Cooper gave Obama credit for lowering the rhetorical temperature of the campaign, skipping completely the false and vicious attack from Priorities USA, an ...
Media Research Center

NYT Fashion Reporter on Ryan Phenom: GOP Needs Politician-Inspired 'Sex Dreams' (But Not Dems)

New York Times fashion reporter Cathy Horyn: "The man from Janesville, Wis., was hoisted onto the love pedestal, a nerd suddenly out of his loafers and into the sex dreams of Republicans, who ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Brief and Vague on Possible Lefty Political Motivations of Family Research Council Shooter

The New York Times made do with a 330-word article on page A15, while the Washington Post made the local story a long and more politically detailed off-lead on Thursday morning: "An armed ...
Media Research Center

Pop Has-Beens Attack Romney for 30-yr-old Dog Incident

1980s Novelty band Devo to release a song for Seamus.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Attacks Family Research Council as ‘Hate Group’ Even After Shooting

Even after the shooting of a security guard at the Family Research Council, the Huffington Post can’t stop slamming the pro-family organization as a “hate group.”
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