
Media Research Center

Chick-Fil-A Publicly Acknowledges It’s Conservative, Media Upset

When the head of a major fast food chain underscores his support for traditional marriage, lefty heads explode. Dan Cathy, son of Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy, told the Baptist ...
Media Research Center

Clandestine Classics Porns Up Classic Literature

If you needed more proof of America’s culture rot then brace yourself, because on July 30 you’ll be able to experience classic literature with an NC-17 twist. For those who’ve ...
Media Research Center

Jonathan Weisman Plays with Tax Numbers to Suggest Obama's Tax Hikes Won't Hurt

Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit, assures New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman: "President Obama has proposed allowing tax cuts to lapse on incomes over $250,000, raising the top two ...

Obama Weakens Welfare Reform -- New York Times Spins It As Fighting Bureaucracy

Giving the Obama administration the benefit of the doubt, Times reporter Rebecca Berg paints Obama's weakening of work requirements for welfare as merely allowing "states more latitude in running ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Host Pushes Rap Song Celebrating Death of Reagan

‘The Cycle’ host Toure tweets approval of Killer Mike’s ‘Reagan,’ which says, ‘Glad Reagan Dead.’
Media Research Center

NYT Celebrates Occupy's Attack on 'Unfettered Capitalism' in Hong Kong....But Does It Actually Exist There?

New York Times reporter Neil Gough pumps up the Occupy movement in the alleged capital of "pure...unfettered capitalism," an administrative region of Hong Kong, but then contradicts himself: "At ...

NYT's Weisman Laments 'Limits of Campaign Finance Rules' That Mean Democrats Sometimes Lose Elections

By "advocacy groups" and "campaign finance watchdogs," the New York Times Jonathan Weisman means partisan liberals and Democrats: "To Democrats and some campaign finance watchdogs eager to force ...
Media Research Center

U.S.-Funded Program Teaches About U.S. Media Suppression

Is State Department-funded exchange program demonizing FNC to foreign students?
Media Research Center

'Devout Capitalist" and NYT Editor Bill Keller Defends ObamaCare Against GOP 'Lies'

Keller on the idea that Obamacare is a federal takeover of health insurance: "The word for that is 'lie.' The main thing the law does is deliver 30 million new customers to the private ...
Media Research Center

Occupy Movement All Over the Sunday NYTimes, from Three-Kid Summer Camp to Police at the Pool

Sunday's New York Times celebrated the left-wing Occupy movement in four separate stories, including this peculiar compliment to the police from Ginia Bellafante: "In the era of stop-and-frisk ...
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