
'Conservative Christian' vs. 'Doctors and Women’s Rights Advocates' on Abortion in Arizona

Veteran New York Times reporter Erik Eckholm again dismisses concerns about fetal pain during abortion as unscientific, while slapping ideological labels on abortion opponents and tilting his ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Timothy Egan: 'People Who Like Sex...Believe in Science' Won't Vote for Romney

Reporter turned columnist Timothy Egan: "But Romney has a longer list of people who may be disinclined to vote for him. Latinos. Gays. Gay soldiers. People who were bullied as kids. Dog ...
Media Research Center

Bill Keller, Former NYTimes Editor, Says Voter ID Laws Only About 'Disenfranchising' Democrats

Bill Keller, former executive editor for the Times, on voter ID laws: "Well I think what you're getting at is this is not about voter fraud. It's about disenfranchising specific constituencies ...
Media Research Center

ABC Cries ‘Super Bug,’ Chicken Industry Cries Foul

Moving on from “pink slime” attack on beef, Jim Avila targets the poultry industry with an unproven theory.
Media Research Center

Networks Lead With Calling Obama’s Tax Hike a ‘Tax Cut’

President’s plan would raise taxes on wealthy in 2013, and everyone after one year, but ABC, CBS and NBC favor tax-cut talk.
Media Research Center

Former SCOTUS Reporter Linda Greenhouse: 'Breathtaking Radicalism' of 4 Justices Opposed to Obama-Care

Former Times Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse suspects she knows why Roberts may have changed his mind on Obama-Care: "I doubt there was a single reason for the chief justice’s ...
Media Research Center

Businessweek Cover Mocks Mormons

Magazine joins the anti-Romney effort by examining LDS’ ‘sprawling corporate empire.’
Media Research Center

Should Romney Deliver 'Powerful Counterpunch' Or 'Shift to Positive Campaign'? NYT Can't Decide

Does the New York Times think Mitt Romney should "leaven his harsh criticism of President Obama" or deliver "powerful counterpunch"? It depends on which Times article you read. A July 12 headline: ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Parker on Black Voters 'Suspicious of Mr. Romney’s Record on Civil Rights and Diversity'

NYT's Ashley Parker hits Romney on faith and obscure state government issues to suggest he's racially suspect: "In recent national polls, Mr. Obama still overwhelming leads Mr. Romney among ...
Media Research Center

Camelot Magic Lives on in France Through Shrine to Pierre Salinger, Enthuses New York Times

Reporter Ralph Blumenthal on Pierre Salinger, Bush-hostile ABC News bureau chief and conspiracy believer: "If the French loved John F. Kennedy, there is a special spot in their hearts for Pierre ...
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