
Media Research Center

‘Ethical Sluts’: CNN Health Promotes Promiscuity, Demeans Monogamy

‘Safe sex’ the only stipulation for sexuality counselor Kerner.
Media Research Center

Surprise: NYT's Coverage of New Obama Immigration Policy Utterly Slanted Toward Amnesty

The New York Times' coverage of Obama's amnesty announcement was typically loaded toward the side of illegal immigrants, and barely addressed conservative concerns about employment and the rule of ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Matt Bai Praises Statesmanlike and Contemplative' Bob Kerrey, Faults 'Tea Party Fervor'

In a profile for the New York Times Sunday Magazine, reporter Matt Bai fawned over former Democratic senator and presidential candidate Bob Kerrey as "a statesmanlike and contemplative presence" ...
Media Research Center

TNT’s ‘Dallas’ Rivalry: Evil Oil vs. Alternative Energy

New Generation of Ewings pits wildcatter John Ross against ‘alternatives are the future’ Christopher.
Media Research Center

The Horror: NYT's Timothy Egan Forced to Watch Fox News

Former reporter Timothy Egan takes one for the liberal team: "Trapped with a Fox News big screen in my stable of fellow trotters at the gym a few weeks ago, I took in the worldview that may ...

Labeling Logic: On Obama-Care, NYTimes Pits 'Conservatives' Against 'the Other Side of the Issue'

Given two chances, New York Times reporters Jonathan Weisman and Michael Shear couldn't identify the universal-health-care backers Families USA as liberal in their Friday piece on what happens ...
Media Research Center

TNT’s ‘Rizzoli & Isles’ Demonizes Fracking

In ‘Dirty Little Secrets’ episode, murderous villain kills to cover up his ‘illegal’ drilling for natural gas.
Media Research Center

NYT's Shear Digs Up Racism Accusations: 'Much More' Than 'Macaca' Doomed GOP Sen. George Allen

NYT reporter Michael Shear felt the need to kneecap Allen out of the starting gate by injecting all the old controversies and rumors or racism into the current news cycle: "Questions about Mr. ...
Media Research Center

NYT Puts Catholic Church on Defensive Again: 'Lightning Rod for Criticism'

Times religion reporter Laurie Goodstein coverage of a meeting of Roman Catholic bishops portrayed the church  on the defensive over its fight for religious freedom, as did the story's text ...
Media Research Center

‘Game of Thrones’ Severed Bush Head a Giggle for Media

Producers just had gruesom prop ‘lying around’.
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