
Media Research Center

On Illegal Immigration, New York Times Keeps Hammering Romney, Boosting Obama

Times reporters Trip Gabriel and Helene Cooper portray amnesty for illegals as a winner for Obama and a loser for Romney: "[Mitt Romney's] outreach efforts came after an order by Mr. Obama to ...
Media Research Center

Ignorance, GOP Falsehoods on Obama-Care Doomed the Measure, NYTimes Reporters Claim

If only the GOP would stop lying about Obama-Care: "By summer 2009, with the country still stunned by economic crisis and Republicans falsely raising the specter of death panels, some ...
Media Research Center

NYT Leads Front-Page Cheers for Obama Enthusiasm at Gay Pride Rallies

New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters led the front-page cheers for the new enthusiasm in the gay community surrounding Barack Obama's re-election campaign: "Now, campaign officials and other ...

NYTimes Hails Chris Hayes, 'Generation Y's Wonk Prince' of the Morning

Alex Williams at the New York Times sprays the Armor-All on Chris Hayes: "In less than a year on television (and with a chirpy voice, a weakness for gesticulation and a tendency to drop ...
Media Research Center

'Angry' Conservatives Abound in World of NYT Reporter Michael Shear

Obama-Care opponents will get angry if the law is upheld, but liberal groups apparently won't if it's overturned. Michael Shear: "Opponents of the law are expecting to offer an outpouring of ...

NYTimes Asks: Should Air-Conditioning 'Be Rationed Away?'

The New York Times asks from its air-conditioned midtown Manhattan headquarters: "Is it a good goal for everyone in the world to have access to air-conditioning -- like clean water or the ...
Media Research Center

Environmental Hypocrisy at Rio-20

Media ignore how UN Conference on Sustainable Development a waste of carbon.
Media Research Center

Networks Silent As Obama Avoids Major Environmental Conference; ABC Attacked Bush 10 Years Earlier

Criticized president for not attending Rio+10, ignored Obama’s refusal to attend Rio+20.
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