
Media Research Center

CNN Contributor: Conservatives are ‘Anti-Science,’ ‘Anti-Woman’

Conservatives are ‘Flat Earthers’ who want women to ‘take up their vacuum cleaners.’
Media Research Center

Credit Card Rules Limiting Access for Stay-at-home Moms

CNN Money reports on an unintended consequence of Obama regulation the media didn’t see coming and left touted as ‘lifeboat’ for consumers.
Media Research Center

New York Times Assigns Condescending Hit Piece on Jonah Goldberg's 'Infantile' Book to Liberal Journo Joe Klein

The paper got what it paid for: Time Magazine's self-proclaimed "raging moderate" Joe Klein pans Jonah Goldberg's latest book in the New York Times. Goldberg responds point by point, in withering ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Shear Rips Drudge, Breitbart, Accuses GOP of Racial Attacks on Rev. Wright

Times reporter Michael Shear rips into Drudge, Breitbart for reporting news: "But the issues of race and religion never go completely away, at least in some extreme quarters of the American ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo's Cheatin' Heart -- More Anti-Monogamy Propaganda

 Site condemns ‘expectation of monogamy,’ claims cheating can help relationships.  
Media Research Center

NATO Protests Were Sign of Potential Occupy Strength for NYTimes...Until Terror Plots and Arrests

What happened between Thursday and Sunday that cause the Occupy protest movement to disappear from the Times' radar? The Times on Thursday, before violence at the NATO summit in Chicago: ...
Media Research Center

Grad Student’s ‘Grand Old Party’ Butt Plugs Based on Polling Data

Gay site calls inventor 'genius entrepreneur.'
Media Research Center

Networks Target Romney’s Wealth 13 Times More Than Richer Sen. Kerry

2004 Democratic candidate married to Heinz heiress, far wealthier than his 2012 counterpart.
Media Research Center

NYT's Campbell Robertson Takes Another Crack at Alabama Crackdown on Illegals

Times reporter Campbell Robertson portrays an Alabama immigration law he dislikes as under siege, and finds "conservative" supporters but only "civil rights groups," not liberals, on the other ...
Jim Cramer

Greece Heads for Default, Despite Media Predictions It Wouldn’t

Jim Cramer and other media analysts predicted default wouldn’t be necessary thanks to government bailouts.
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