
Media Research Center

ABC’s ‘GCB’ Carves Own Twisted Version of 10 Commandments

Controversial show escalates agenda of mocking Christians with attack on Bible.
Media Research Center

MSNBC: The Book

Book Review – “Showdown: The Inside Story of How Obama Fought Back against Boehner, Cantor and the Tea Party” By David Corn
Media Research Center

Krugman: Blame the Right Wing and 'Inequality,' not Obama, for Today's Economic Paralysis

Times columnist Paul Krugman and his wife contribute to the lefty Occupy Handbook: "So how did we end up in this state? How did America become a nation that could not rise to the biggest ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Reporter Again Advocates for Illegals Cowering in the 'Shadows'

Reporter Fernanda Santos sounds like an advocate for illegal immigrants: "The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments next week challenging the most controversial sections of an Arizona ...
The Buffett Rule

Senate Rejects ‘Buffett Rule,’ Despite Networks’ Promotion of ‘Tax Reform’

Nearly 70 percent of stories on millionaires tax include ‘fair’ talk;  only 8 percent mention ‘politics of envy.’

New York Times Lead Story Sees Yet Another Victory for Occupy Wall Street: Executive Pay

The left-wing Occupy Wall Street sit-in was kicked out of Zuccotti Park months ago, but the New York Times claimed to see its handprint in Wednesday's lead story. Reporters Jessica ...
Media Research Center

Scientists Not Alarmist Enough, NYT's Gillis Pushes Poll Showing Public Thinks 'Weather Extremes' Mean Climate Change

Since scientists are not sufficiently alarmist about so-called extreme weather for New York Times's apocalyptic climate reporter Justin Gillis, he is now promoting now surveysto make the case for ...
Media Research Center

HBO’s 'Girls': A Voice for the Worst Generation

Liberal critics rave about feminist plot where passionless sex, STDs and casual abortions abound.

After Violent Attack by Anarchists, Times Strains to Note Occupy Protests 'Largely Devoid of Property Damage'

More downplaying of violence and vandalism of left-wing protests from the New York Times: "The demonstration, which, according to the police and witnesses, left in its path a trail of graffiti ...
Media Research Center

Stelter Predicts Ann Romney Insult Will Fade Like Limbaugh Insult 'Overreaction' (Which He Wrote 6 Stories on)

Times media reporter Brian Stelter was the latest to downplay Obama-supporter Hilary Rosen's insult of Ann Romney of having "never worked a day in her life," arguing that Hilary Rosen's insult ...
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