
Sunday Mag: Cain 'Seems Like Someone Who...Has Never Opened a Newspaper'

T. A. Frank on Herman Cain, for the Times Magazine: "Let us pause here to make a necessarily severe assessment: to say that Herman Cain has an imperfect grasp of policy would be unfair not only to ...

Media Promote Myth of Clinton Golden Years, Hype His New Economic Book

Coverage of 'Back to Work' maintains storyline of Clinton's era of prosperity, downplay his role in later economic collapse.

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Occupy Troublemakers Merely Fringe, But Tea Party 'Responsible for the Behavior of People' at Rallies

Plus: "For Children's Sake, Taking to the Streets" at Occupy Wall Street, Opinion Editor 'Alarmed' at 'Right Wing' Pushback on Cain Story, and GOP "a Danger to Itself and to the Country."

NY Times Prepares 'Autopsy Report' for 9-11-Type 'Disaster' of Perry Campaign

The Texas Tribune's Ross Ramsey writes: "His 'oops' - during a debate on Wednesday night...may be the first word in the autopsy report on his presidential campaign.....To turn this around, he has ...

Expect More Cain Scrutiny After Sex Allegations, Hints Times Reporter Susan Saulny

"After more than a week of battling accusations that he sexually harassed a number of subordinates while he was chief of the National Restaurant Association in the late 1990s, Mr. Cain faces a new ...

'Mini Ponzi Scheme' Takes Down N.J. Democrat Corzine; Networks Forget They Used Him as 'Top' Economic Voice

Former governor resigns in disgrace as MF Global CEO, but broadcast news ignore Obama ties.

Former Reporter: GOP Peddling 'Easy Fairy Tales;' Stimulus 'Saved Millions of Jobs'

Former reporter Firestone on the GOP field: "These candidates are peddling the worst kind of easy fairy tales to those voters who value simplistic prescriptions over hard choices. President Obama ...

Editorial Holds Out Hope for Unenlightened Conservative Mississippians

"Unfortunately, Mississippi voters were not as enlightened, approving a new requirement for identification cards at the polls. But, even the voters in that state, one of the country's most ...

Times Spikes Fast & Furious Hearing in Print, Omits Eric Holder's Admission Completely

So what did AG Eric Holder know and when did he know it? Savage doesn't say: "Senator Charles E. Grassley...also sought to keep the focus on Fast and Furious, grilling Mr. Holder about what and ...
Media Research Center

Media Consistently $30 Million Short on Soros Drug Funding

George Soros is up to his old tricks again. The "sugar daddy of the legalization movement," as conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer described him, has given more than $31,394,572 to the Drug ...
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