
Worth's Worthless History: Arab Revolt Lacks 'Standard-Bearer' Like Lenin or Mao

Huh? Times writer Robert Worth: Arab revolution lacks "intellectual standard-bearers" like Lenin and Mao that could provide "became symbols of a people's aspirations." It's not the first time ...

NYT Finally Admits (Reluctantly) That Imprisonment Lowers Crime Rate

An editorial finally acknowledged the paper's blinkered liberal failure to connect the seemingly obvious idea that crime falls when more criminals are behind bars, as captured by a notorious 1997 ...

Occupy San Diego's Own Lefty Media to Police: You're a F***ing Joke!

Occupiers claim they are 'press,' and bully, threaten and intimidate police.

Networks Push for Infrastructure Spending, Ignore Cost and Danger of Federal Failures

ABC, CBS and NBC silent about mistakes that took lives during Hurricane Katrina, wasted countless tax dollars for years.

More Melodramatic Coverage from Robertson of Alabama's Crackdown on Illegals

That's one way of putting it. Campbell Robertson reports "The champions of Alabama's far-reaching immigration law have said that it is intended to drive illegal immigrants from the state by making ...

Laughs Ahoy for NYT's OWS-Comedy Coverage: Sometimes 'You Need a Little Knife in the Gut'

Corey Kilgannon relays some "jokes" from an Occupy Wall Street comedy night. Imagine the Times' reaction if it had been a Tea Party gathering. "'You need a little knife in the gut once in a ...

Times Almost Ignores Anti-Cop Violence at Occupy Oakland

The Times virtually ignores anti-cop violence at the Occupy Oakland encampment, in favor of a sympathetic story on a veteran injured at the protest: "For supporters of the Occupy Wall Street ...

Ick: 'For Children's Sake, Taking to the Streets'

How cute: "And so it goes in the second month of Occupy Wall Street, where children are becoming an increasing presence as parents try to seize a 'teachable moment' to enlighten them on matters ...

Reporter's Heated OWS Rhetoric: 'Wealthiest of the Wealthy Control More of the Country's Treasure'

OWS lefties are right, reporter says: "Those numbers suggest that the Occupy Wall Street protesters can make a compelling case when they complain that the economic scales are unfairly tilted ...

Is The Times a Liberal Rag? Executive Editor Says 'Wrong'

Times editor Jill Abramson still carries torch for Anita Hill, in an interview with NPR's Diane Rehm: "...I think that Anita Hill, you used the word catalyst, and I think that's a very, very good ...
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