
Media Attacks on Conservative Women Just Keep Coming

Unflattering Newsweek Queen of Rage Bachmann cover is latest character assassination.

Alec Baldwin, Non-Liberal Man of the People, Prepares for Politics

As Alec Baldwin proclaims his interest in running for Mayor of New York some time after 2013, a young Times reporter can't describe him as either ultraliberal or uncivil. After all, she worked for ...

Soros-Funded Media Toe Liberal Line in Debt Coverage

Tax hikes portrayed as only solution by left-wing journalism groups.

NY Times Vet Recounts His Insular World: Didn't Meet Any Republicans Until Well Into Adulthood

Recalling how he was raised in heavily Democratic Providence, R.I., New York Times columnist Joe Nocera revealed: It wasn't until I moved to Washington after college that I got to know any ...

There Are No Liberal Democrats, Only 'Influential Democrats'

Liberals are challenging the Obama administration from the left, asserting a legal right of Medicaid recipients to sue the government for greater health benefits. But Robert Pear called no one a ...

Sticking to the 'Sexism Is a Sin' Watch

The Times and religion reporter Laurie Goodstein promoted radical-left activist Father Roy Bourgeois as his Catholic religious order dismissed him for defiance of church teaching.

Carr Warns of Murdoch's 'Soft Power' With No Hard Evidence

Media columnist David Carr wrote a broad conspiracy theory about the dangerous "soft power" of Murdoch Inc. with little evidence and lots of partisan insinuation.

Environmentalists to Civilization: Drop Dead!

Radical environmentalists call for destruction of industrialized civilization and agriculture, demand return to primitive living.

Joy as Cuba Lifts Its Beatles Ban

Reporter Damien Cave finds communist Cuba is recovering from a bad case of stuffiness. Its censorship of rock music only defined it as a "very serious place," not a prison.

Under Deal, Debt to Rise $12 Trillion and 95% of Network Stories Leave That Out

ABC, CBS and NBC reports complain about the severity of spending cuts, instead of explaining that government debt will continue to grow.
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