
Michael Shear Sour Over Sarah Palin's Lack of Respect for Mainstream Media

Michael Shear sounds sour over Sarah Palin's lack of attention to the media on her Memorial Day bus trip: "Sarah Palin has apparently decided that she can treat the media any way she wants - and ...

Win in NY Special Election 'Galvanizing for Democrats,' Dismissed GOP After 2009 Wins

Carl Hulse on sunny Democratic prospects for 2012: "But the victory in New York was galvanizing for Democrats, and for now at least has given them confidence that they can use Medicare to press ...

'Far Right' Playwright David Mamet Gets Testy Treatment from NYT Magazine

How sweet of the Times: "David Mamet explains his intellectual shift to the right. The far right." One of Andrew Goldman's questions to the acclaimed playwright: "Sometimes in the book I thought ...

Blame the Right for Everything: Times Ludicrously Labels 9-11 Truthers 'Right-Wing'

Right-wing Truthers? "...the station canceled [Bill] Weinberg's program...after he accused WBAI of promoting fringe right-wing commentators and conspiracy theories claiming that the United States ...

Times Ignores Sen. Reid's Patriot Act Hypocrisy, Embraces the Act in Obama Era

The Times has certainly become more comfortable with the Patriot Act since the Bush administration: "Patriot Act Battle Could Hinder Investigators." But a 2005 story on extending a Patriot Act ...

CNN: No Children? No Problem!

Web article latest arguing that children decrease parental happiness.

Times Leads With Dems 'Pressuring G.O.P.' with Medicare Vote

From Jennifer Steinhauer's lead story: "But the last six weeks have left Republicans pointed into a something more like a headwind. With polls and angry town hall meetings suggesting that many ...

Times Dead Wrong on 'Failure' of Netanyahu's U.S. Trip

"Israelis See Netanyahu Trip as Diplomatic Failure" reads the headline over Ethan Bronner's slanted story from Jerusalem. He apparently means a failure among Israeli liberal newspaper columnists, ...

Stolberg's Front-Page Fixation on Ging's Bling

Isn't that up to outlets like the Times? "What matters, they say, is that the Tiffany story is sticking to Mr. Gingrich, helping to define - or perhaps redefine - him in the critical early days of ...

California Teacher Tells Kindergarteners "More Than Two Genders"

Oakland elementary school indoctrinates students with 2-day gender-bending program
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